Leveraging Value for your Business
Reducing the risk, cost & hassle of going public for a growth company seeking capital
A stock exchange flotation speeds company growth and will help founders to start reaping the rewards of their efforts. Our unique access to a Transaction Team of specialist City advisers enables:
Lower Initial Costs
Causing minimal cash flow impact on your company
Quicker Floatation Times
Our process shaves months from the normal process
Templated Approach
We do most of the hard work, you save circa 80% of time
City Friendly
Our experts have collaborated before to know what the City likes
Reduced Risk
To date 100% success rate and you can walk away at any point, saving fees
Win Together
Our team of experts will often invest cash alongside yours, so we profit when you do
IPO Adviser is an introducer to an expert Transaction Team of seasoned City professionals with wide experience in taking companies public via an IPO or if appropriate the Cash Shell route where a ready-made platform is provided. Through this association and for the right kind of business, the Team shall work with management to a wholly different fee structure and set of processes to present a company as being ‘oven ready’ for an IPO. This will open the doors to immediate introductions with willing investment banks and stockbroking firms.
IPO Adviser is a marketing lead generator for the Transaction Team and whilst we are not authorised to give advice ourselves, they are suitably qualified.
Contact Us
Contact us for a no-obligation discussion as to whether your business may be suitable